刘博文 研究员(专职科研)、博士生导师
2019年6月毕业于四川大学化学学院,师从王玉忠院士,获高分子化学与物理专业理学博士学位。毕业后留校任教,于2021年晋升为研究员,2022年入选四川大学“双百人才工程”b计划。长期致力于阻燃高分子材料研究,在阻燃聚酯、聚碳酸酯、尼龙、阻燃剂的设计合成、阻燃方法及阻燃机理等方面取得了一系列成果。近五年,作为负责人主持国家重点研发计划课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目、四川省国际合作项目、国家自然科学基金重大项目子课题等国家、省部级项目8项。相关研究成果在angew. chem. int. ed.、adv. mater.、chem. eng. j.等杂志发表sci论文45篇,申请/授权中国/国际发明专利15项。受邀在国际上最重要的阻燃学术会议欧洲阻燃会(european meeting on fire retardant polymeric materials)上作keynote报告;作为大会秘书协助主办中国工程科技论坛、国际阻燃材料与技术研讨会等。
1. 国家重点研发计划课题,2021yfb3700204,低热释放本征阻燃聚碳酸酯的设计合成关键技术,2021年12月至2025年11月,460.0万元,在研,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,22278283,面向5g通信的高阻燃低介电共聚碳酸酯的设计合成与性能调控,2023-01-01至2026-12-31,54.0万元,在研,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,52003167,基于高温重排反应的阻燃抗熔滴聚酰胺的设计合成与结构性能研究,2021-01-01至2023-12-31,30.0万元,在研,主持
4. 四川省国际科技创新合作项目,2021yfh0059,聚酰胺的阻燃抗熔滴研究与开发,2021-04-0101日至2023-03-31,20万,已结题,主持
5. 国家自然科学基金重大项目子课题,51991351-1,具有高强度与低热、低烟毒释放的环氧树脂玻纤复合材料的制备、结构性能与阻燃机理研究,2020-01-01至2024-12-31,181.2万,在研,子课题负责人
6. 国家重点研发计划子课题,2019yfd1101201-1,阻燃生物基尼龙高效合成技术研究,2019-11-01至2022-12-31,102万,已结题,子课题负责人
7. 四川省科技计划项目重点研发项目子课题,2020kjt0151-2020yfg0470,低voc高性能阻燃剂的关键技术开发及应用,2020-07-01至2022-07-31,100万,子课题负责人
8. 中国博士后科学基金,2020m673213,2020-07-07至2022-07-07,8万,已结题,主持
1. qin zhang, guo-rui zhu, xiang-xin xiao, qing-song liu, min jiang, de-ming guo, hai-bo zhao, wen-da li, li chen, bo-wen liu*, yu-zhong wang*, controllable micro cross-linking towards multifunctional flame-retardant aliphatic polyamide, chemical engineering journal, 2023, 472, 144983.

2. ya-ling tang, guan-qi zheng, yu-xin lin, peng lu, hai-bo zhao, de-ming guo, li chen, bo- wen liu*, yu-zhong wang*, bio-based long-chain aliphatic polyamide with intrinsic flame retardancy and great overall properties, polymer degradation and stability, 2023, 214, 110416.

3. xue-lian chen, fu-rong zeng, wen-xiong li, lin zhang, cong deng, yi tan, ming-jun chen, sheng-chao huang,bo-wen liu*, yu-zhong wang, hai-bo zhao∗, durable flame-retardant, smoke-suppressant, and thermal-insulating biomass polyurethane foam enabled by a green bio-based system, journal of materials science & technology, 2023, 2023, 162, 179-188.
4. guan-qi zheng, bo-wen liu*, ling yuan, lin chen, xiu-li wang, hai-bo zhao, yu-zhong wang*, natural polyphenol-inspired polymer towards multifunction and high performance, chemical engineering journal, 2023, 462: 142212.

5. min jiang, bo-wen liu*, feng-ming he, qin zhang, ao wang, de-ming guo, hai-bo zhao, li chen, yu-zhong wang*, high-performance flame-retardant aliphatic polyamide via enhanced chain entanglement, chemical engineering journal, 2023, 455: 140637.
6. bo-wen liu*, min cao, yi-ying zhang, yu-zhong wang, hai-bo zhao*, multifunctional protective aerogel with superelasticity over -196 to 500 °c, nano research, 2022, 15, 9: 7797-7805.

7. jin-bo cheng, bo-wen liu*, yan-qin wang, hai-bo zhao*, yu-zhong wang, growing coni nanoalloy@n-doped carbon nanotubes on mxene sheets for excellent microwave absorption, journal of materials science & technology, 2022, 130, 157-165.
8. lin zhang, bo-wen liu*, yu-zhong wang, teng fu, hai-bo zhao*, p-doped pani/agmws nano/micro coating towards high-efficiency flame retardancy and electromagnetic interference shielding, composites part b: engineering, 2022, 238: 109944.

9. bo-wen liu#, hai-bo zhao#, yu-zhong wang*, advanced flame-retardant methods for polymeric materials, advanced materials, 2022, 46, 34: 2107905.

10.min cao#, bo-wen liu#, lin zhang, zi-chen peng, yi-ning zhang, han wang, hai-bo zhao*, yu-zhong wang*, fully biomass-based aerogels with ultrahigh mechanical modulus, enhanced flame retardancy, and great thermal insulation applications, composites part b: engineering, 2021, 225: 109309.

11. xiao-feng liu, yan-fang xiao, xi luo, bo-wen liu*, de-ming guo, li chen, yu-zhong wang*, flame-retardant multifunctional epoxy resin with high performances, chemical engineering journal, 2022, 427: 132031.

12. bo-wen liu, yu-fei lei, xiao-feng liu, li chen*, de-ming guo, yu-zhong wang*, small change, big impact: simply tailoring the substitution position towards significant improvement of flame retardancy, composites part b: engineering, 2021, 223: 103109.

13. feng-ming he, bo-wen liu*, li chen, de-ming guo, xiao-min ding, yan-fang xiao, hai-bo zhao, wen-da li, yu-zhong wang*, novel polyamide 6 composites based on schiff-base containing phosphonate oligomer: high flame retardancy, great processability and mechanical property, composites part a: applied science and manufacturing, 2021, 146: 106423.

14. bo-wen liu#, jia-wei long#, li chen*, xiang-xin xiao, xue-bao lin, yu-zhong wang*, semi-aromatic polyamides containing fluorenyl pendent toward excellent thermal stability, mechanical properties and dielectric performance, polymer, 2021, 224: 123757.

15. bo-wen liu, hai-bo zhao*, lin chen, li chen, xiu-li wang, yu-zhong wang*, eco-friendly synergistic cross-linking flame-retardant strategy with smoke and melt-dripping suppression for condensation polymers, composites part b: engineering, 2021, 221: 108664.

16. bo-wen liu*, yu-fei lei, xiao-feng liu, de-ming guo, li chen, yu-zhong wang*, thermally induced end-group-capturing as an eco-friendly and general method for enhancing the fire safety of semi-aromatic polyesters, polymer, 2021, 218: 123430.

17. bo-wen liu, li chen*, de-ming guo, xiao-feng liu, yu-fei lei, xiao-min ding, yu-zhong wang*, fire‐safe polyesters enabled by end‐group capturing chemistry, angewandte chemie international edition, 2019, 58(27): 9188-9193.