学位学历:工学博士/博士后 (材料学)
email: ;
1.2008年于北京科技大学新金属材料国家重点实验室获得博士学位;2008-2013年先后于中国科学院物理研究所、韩国科技学院(kaist, postdoc fellow)、新加坡国立大学(nus, research fellow)等大学和研究所从事博士后研究工作。
3.担任期刊审稿人: nature nanotech., 2d mater., nanotech., mmtb等期刊审稿人。
担任 current chinese chemistry 和 《当代化工研究》编委
interest of research
1.二维层状材料及其一维纳米结构的制备及组装研究,包括:石墨烯、石墨烯纳米条带、石墨烯量子点、及类石墨烯(mos2, mxene等)等半导体材料的生长、表征及应用,主要集中在锂离子电池、太阳能电池、光催化、及上转换荧光等方面。

research projects
1)国家自然科学基金(nsfc),课题名称:dp1200双相钢基体中共格纳米粒子的控制析出行为研究(grant no. 51771125, 2018.01-2021.12)。在研,主持
2)国家自然科学基金(nsfc),课题名称:一维石墨烯纳米条带上转换基础研究(grant no. 51472170, 2015.01-2018.12)。已结题,主持
3)四川大学引进人才基金,课题名称:多元复合合金炼钢过程夹杂物改性的基础研究(grant no. 21376154, 2013.01-2015.12)。已结题,主持
4)国家自然科学基金(nsfc);课题名称:基于sic单晶的石墨烯和类石墨烯外延生长和表征研究(grant no. 50472162, 2010.01-2012.12)。已结题,主持
educational reform projects
1. 四川大学新世纪教育教学改革工程(第八期)研究项目:新材料技术课程改革与学生创新创造能力培养探究。四川大学,scu8368,2018 .已结题, 主持
2. 四川大学新世纪高等教育教学改革工程(第七期)研究项目:冶金工程专业课程数据库采集及优化设置研究。四川大学,2016, 已结题, 主持
selected publications (coauthor journal papers)
1. chong liang, wei cao, linsen zhou*, pan yang, xiaochong zhao, pengxiang zhao, ruizhi qiu, lijun yang*, qing-song huang*, and didier astruc*,design, synthesis and high her performances of 3d ni/mo sulfide on ni foam,chemcatchem , 2020, 12, 1647-1652. (if=4.495)(媒体点评)
2. chong chen*, fumin li, liangxin zhu, zhitao shen, yujuan weng , qiang lou , furui tan , gentian yue , qingsong huang* , mingtai wang*, efficient and stable perovskite solar cells thanks to dual functions of oleyl amine-coated pbso4(pbo)4 quantum dots: defect passivation and moisture/oxygen blocking, nano energy , 2020, 68 , 104313. (if=15.548)
3. xinyue zhang, yu liu, qingsong huang*,stable halogen 2d materials: the case of iodine and astatine, journal of physics condensed matter, 2020, doi: 10.1088/1361-648x/ab87cf. (if=2.711)
4. juan wang, li-jun yang, xiao-chong zhao, pan yang, wei cao, and qing-song huang*, highly efficient nanocatalystin dehydrogen process from sodium borohydride hydrolysis, int. j. miner. metall. mater.(if= 1.221)
5. yue-quan su, xin-yue zhang, li-meng liu, yi-ting zhao, fang liu*, and qing-song huang*, optimization of battery life and capacity by setting dense mesopores on the surface of nanosheets towards electrode, int. j. miner. metall. mater.. (if= 1.221)
2019 年
6. liangxin zhu, chong chen*, fumin li, zhitao shen, yujuan weng, qingsong huang*, and mingtai wang*, enhancing efficient and stability of perovskite solar cells by incorporating cds and cd(scn2h4)2cl2 into ch3nh3pbi3 active layer,j. mater. chem. a, 2019,7, 1124-1137. (if=10.733)
7. xinyue zhang, qingsong huang*, engineering difference of band structure between mirror symmetrical adsorption and antisymmetrical adsorption of the identical group on a graphene sheet,the european physical journal applied physics,2019,85(3):30101. (if=0.8)
8. chaozhong wu, ruifeng qi, xiong zhang, qiang liu, qingsong huang*, quick mass-production of max (ti 2 alc) book with pages separated by stacking faults benefiting removal of “a” layer, chemical communications, 2019, 2019, 55, 7522—7525. (if=6.290)
2018 年
9. qiang liu, ruifeng qi, shuang song, zhihui yan, and qingsong huang*, controllable conversion of liquid silicon from high-density to low-density towards amorphous silicon nanospheres on a wafer-scale. chemical communications, 2018, 54, 12694-12697.(if=6.290)(封底论文)

10. teng wang, shuang song, qiang liu, wei chu, luming li, qingsong huang*, and chengfa jiang*, assembling carbon into anatase tio2 as interstitial atoms towards photo-catalytic activity. european journal of inorganic chemistry, 2018, 4370–4374.(if=2.507)
11. ruifeng qi, shanling wang, minxiang wang, wentao liu, zhihui yan, xiaofeng bi, and qingsong huang*, towards well-defined mos2 nanoribbons on a large scale, chem. comm., 2017, 53, 9757-9760. (if=6.290)
12. min wei, qingsong huang, yanping zhou, zhu peng, wei chu*. ultrathin nanosheets of cobalt-nickel hydroxides hetero-structure via electrodeposition and precursor adjustment with excellent performance for supercapacitor, journal of energy chemistry,2017, 27, 591-599. (if= 3.886)
13. zhanglong guo, qingsong huang, shizhong luo, wei chu*, atmospheric discharge plasma enhanced preparation of pd/tio2 catalysts for acetylene selective hydrogenation, topics in catalysis, 2017, 60, 1009. (if=2.486)
14. xiaoping gao, yanan zhou, fangli jing, jingjie luo, qingsong huang, wei chu*, layered double hydroxides derived zno-al2o3 supported pd-ag catalysts for selective hydrogenation of acetylene, chin. j. chem., 2017, 35, 1009-1015. (if=1.852)
15. le li, jian zheng, yuefeng liu, wei wang, qingsong huang, wei chu*, impacts of sic carrier and nickel precursor of nila/support catalysts for co2 selective hydrogenation to synthetic natural gas (sng), chemistryselect, 2017,2(13), 3750-3757.
16. yu liu*, lianlian chen*, donovan hilliard, qingsong huang, fang liu, mao wang, roman böttger, rené hübner, alpha t. n'diaye, elke arenholz, viton heera, wolfgang skorupa, shengqiang zhou, controllable growth of vertically aligned graphene on c-face sic, scientific reports, 2016, 6, 34814 . (if=4.259)
17. xiaofeng bi, wentao liu, qingsong huang*, and jinghua pang,controllable magnetism of coo nanoparticles modified by the reduced graphene oxide,j. phys. chem. c, 2015, 119, 20755. (if=4.536)
18. shujie wang, xizhi yuan, xiaofeng bi, xiaomei wang and qingsong huang*, observation of the retarded transportation of a photogenerated hole on epitaxial graphene, phys.chem.chem.phys., 2015, 17, 23711. (if=4.123, recommended by editor as back cover)
19. kangjia duan, ling zhang, xizhi yuan, shan-shan han, yu liu, and qingsong huang*, effect of an upward magnetic field on nanosized sulfide precipitation in ultra-low carbon steel, international journal of minerals, metallurgy, and materials, 2015, 22, 714. (if=0.943)
20. y. p. jia, *l. w. guo, w. lu, y. guo, j. j. lin, k. x. zhu, l. l. chen, q. s. huang, j. huang, z. l. zhi, and *x. l. chen, fabrication and characterization of graphene derived from sic, sci. chin. phys., 2014, 57(5), 1004.
21. s. h. yoo, j. m. kum, q. s. huang, and * s. o. cho,direct fabrication of hierarchical porous carbonaceous microparticles by electron-beam irradiation and post-annealing of polystyrene colloidal crystals,macro. mater. eng., 2014, 299(4), 447. (if=2.863)
22. qingsong huang, j. j. kim, g. ali, and *s. o. cho. width-tunable graphene nanoribbons on a sic substrate with a controlled step height, adv. mater., 2013, 25, 1144. (if=25.809)
23. qingsong huang*, d. l. chen, y. z. ma, and j. liu. nucleation of epitaxial graphene on sic substrate by thermal annealing and chemical vapor deposition. applied physics a, 2013, 112(2), 349. (if=1.455)
24. y. liu, *g. wang, qingsong huang, l. w. guo, and *x. l. chen, comment on “structural and electronic properties of t graphene: a two-dimensional carbon allotrope with tetrarings” reply, phys. rev. lett., 2013, 110(2), 029601. (if=8.462)
25. y. liu, *g. wang, qingsong huang, l. w. guo, and *x. l. chen, omment on “structural and electronic properties of t graphene: a two-dimensional carbon allotrope with tetrarings” reply, phys. rev. lett., 2013,110(2), 029603. (if=8.462)
26. y. liu, *g. wang, qingsong huang, l. w. guo, and *x. l. chen, structural and electronic properties of t graphene: a two-dimensional carbon allotrope with tetrarings, phys. rev. lett., 2012, 108, 225505. (if=8.462)
27. d. l. chen, s. h. yoo, qingsong huang, g. ali, and *s. o. cho. sonochemical synthesis of ag/agcl nanocubes and their efficient visible-light-driven photocatalytic performance, chem. a. eu. j., 2012, 18, 5192. (if=5.317)
28. q. s. huang, g. wang , l. w. guo , y. p. jia , j. j. lin , k. li, w. j. wang, and *x. l. chen. approaching the intrinsic electron field-emission of a graphene film consisting of quasi-freestanding graphene strips. small, 2011, 7, 450. (if= 10.856)
29. q. s. huang, *x. l. chen, j. j. lin, k. li, y. p. jia, j. liu, l. w. guo, w. j. wang, and g. wang. preparation of quasi-free standing graphene with a super large interlayer distance by methane intercalation. j. phys. chem. c, 2011, 115, 20538. (if=4.536)
30. j. j. lin, l. w. guo, q. s. huang, y. p. jia, k. li, x. f. lai, and *x. l. chen. anharmonic phonon effects in raman spectra of unsupported vertical graphene sheets. phys. rev. b, 2011, 83, 125430. (if=3.836)
31. j. liu, z. p. guo, w. j. wang, q. s. huang, k. zhu and *x. l. chen. heterogeneous zns hollow urchin-like hierarchical nanostructures and their structure-enhanced photocatalytic properties, nanoscale, 2011, 3, 1470. (if=7.367)
32. j. liu, x. l. chen, w. j. wang, y. liu, q. s. huang, and *z. p.guo. self-assembly of [10-10] grown zno nanowhiskers with exposed reactive (0001) facets on hollow spheres and their enhanced gas sensitivity. crystengcomm., 2011, 13, 3425-3431. (if=3.849)
33. q. s. huang, *x. l. chen, w. j. wang, g. wang, w. y. wang, j. liu, and l. w. guo. large-scale formation of epitaxial graphene on 4h-sic (0001) by pulsed electron irradiation, chem. comm., 2010, 46, 4917. (if=6.319)
34. q. s. huang, l. w. guo. w. j. wang, g. wang, w. y. wang, y. p. jia, j. j. lin, k. li, and *x. l. chen. raman spectrum of epitaxial graphene on sic (0001) by pulsed electron irradiation. chin. phys. lett., 2010, 27, 046803. (if=0.800)
35. r. yang, q. s. huang, *g. y. zhang, x. l. chen, hongjun gao, substrate doping effects on raman spectrum of epitaxial graphene on sic. j. appl. phys., 2010, 107, 034105. (if=2.068)
before 2010
36. j. liu, *x. l. chen, w. wang, q. s. huang, and k. zhu, large scale synthesis of porous zno hollow structures with tunable diameters and shell thicknesses, mater. lett., 2009, 63, 2221.(if=2.572)
37. j. liu, *x. l. chen, w. wang, b. song, and q. s. huang, secondary facet-selective nucleation and growth: highly oriented straight sno2 nanowire arrays on primary micro-rods. cryst. growth & des., 2009, 9, 1757. (if=4.425)
38. 黄青松,李龙飞,杨王玥,孙祖庆,共析钢过冷奥氏体动态相变过程中先共析铁素体的生成,材料热处理学报,2008, 29, 42. (ei)
39. 黄青松,李龙飞,杨王玥,孙祖庆,共析钢的过冷奥氏体相变和组织超细化,金属学报,2007, 43, 724. (if=0.704)
patents ( recent years)
1. 黄青松,王冠翊,王良瑞,唐佳琪,一种厘米量级单晶三氧化钼纳米带的制备方法,申请号201611071670.8.
2. 黄青松,段康佳,袁熙志,磁悬浮辅助硅及其合金对钢中氧化铝夹杂改性的方法,授权,2016.8.17,201410727013.9.
3. 黄青松,蒲旺旺,段康佳,一种纳米颗粒弥散强化钢的冶炼方法,授权,2016.6.22,201410473694.0
4. 黄青松,毕晓峰,齐瑞峰,一种制备超级电容器的材料及其制备方法,zl 201710156409.6
5. 黄青松,齐瑞峰,毕晓峰,一种可控宏量制备二硫化钼纳米条带的方法,zl 201710014734.9
6. 黄青松,刘文韬等,一种层状二维材料mxene的制备方法及其应用,申请号:201710667543.2
7. 黄青松,刘强等,一种大规模无定形硅颗粒的制备方法,申请号:201810991687.8
8. 黄青松,刘强等,一种大规模晶体硅颗粒的制备方法,申请号:201811070839.7
9. 黄青松,张一波,黄辉,一种增强富勒烯荧光性能的方法-,申请号:201810493532.1
selected conference presentations and posters
1. 123 学术年会 (邀请报告)
黄青松,石墨烯纳米阵列的可控外延生长及在场发射中的应用,中国工程物理研究院,四川,成都,中国,jan. 21-22, 2019
2. 2018纳米年会(杭州, poster)
齐瑞峰,严志辉,黄青松. 宏量制备铁磁性二硫化钼纳米条带, 会议名称及地点: 中国化学会第31届学术年会,浙江杭州,报告人:报告类型:分会墙报、报告时间:2018年5月5日-2018年5月8日
3.第十三届全国x-射线衍射学术大会暨国际衍射数据中心(icdd)国际会议(oral report)
qingsong huang,assembling carbon into anatase tio2 as interstitial atoms towards photo-catalytic activity,第十三届全国x-射线衍射学术大会暨国际衍射数据中心(icdd)国际会议,甘肃兰州july 28-aug. 1, 2018.
4. 中国晶体学会暨icdd国际晶体衍射会议(poster)
qingsong huang, zhihui yan, ruifeng qi, wentao liu, xiaofeng bi, shujie wang, optimizing properties of the epitaxial graphene on sic substrate via reducing its topological defects,iccd x-ray diffraction conference,mianyang, sichuan,2015.10