
mobile: 18982200324
email: liaolis@scu.edu.cn
2004/9 - 2007/7,四川大学,生物医学工程,博士,导师:尹光福
2001/9 - 2004/7,四川大学,应用化学,硕士,导师:谢克难
1997/9 - 2001/7,四川大学,应用化学,学士
2012/7 -至今,四川大学,化学工程学院,副教授
2007/7 - 2012/7,四川大学,化学工程学院,讲师
1. xianhua he, yi deng*, yue yu, hao lyu,li liao*. drug-loaded/grafted peptide-modified porous peek to promote bone tissue repair and eliminate bacteria[j]. colloids and surfaces b: biointerfaces, 2019, 181: 767~777.
2. zhiqiang xu, xianhua he, mingwei liang, lijuan sun, di li, kenan xie,li liao*. catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol over graphene supported cu@ni bimetallic nanowires[j]. materials chemistry and physics, 2019.1.23, 227: 64~71.
3. zhiqiang xu, mingwei liang, lijuan sun, kenan xie,li liao*. assembly of graphene-coated nickel nanowires and their catalytic performance[j]. composite interfaces, 2019, 26: 921~934.
4. zhiqiang xu, mingwei liang, xianhua he, qin long, jiancheng yu, kenan xie,li liao*. the preparation of carbonized silk cocoon-co-graphene composite and its enhanced electromagnetic interference shielding performance[j]. composites part a, 2019, 119: 111~118.
5. zhiqiang xu, qin long, yi deng*,li liao*. in situ synthesis and catalytic application of reduced graphene oxide supported cobalt nanowires[j]. applied surface science, 2018, 441: 955~964.
6. zhiqiang xu, wei liu, yuanyi yang, lijuan sun, yi deng*,li liao*. environmental-friendly and facile synthesis of co3o4nanowires and their promising application with graphene in lithium-ion batteries[j]. nanoscale research letters, 2017, 12: 615~624
7. lijuan sun, xiaoyu li, zhiqiang xu, kenan xie,li liao*. synthesis and catalytic application of magnetic co-cu nanowires[j]. beilstein journal of nanotechnology, 2017, 8: 1769~1773.
8. xiaoyu li, lijuan sun, hu wang, kenan xie, qin long, xuefei lai,li liao*. synthesis of cobalt nanowires in aqueous solution under an external magnetic field[j]. beilstein journal of nanotechnology, 2016, 7: 990~994.
9. hu wang, xiaoyu li, ming li,li liao*. preparation of ni/cu composite nanowires[j]. beilstein journal of nanotechnology, 2015, 6: 1268~1271.
10.廖立,谢克难,黎明.一种制备钴铜合金纳米线的方法[p]. 2014, zl201410054815.8